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Annual Health Fair This Weekend

November 14, 2016

Jamie Ross, CCMH Director of Radiology, speaks with a member of the community at the 2015 Carroll County Health and Resource Fair.

CARROLLTON, Mo. -- Carroll County Memorial Hospital is partnering with the Live Well Community Health Center and the Health Care Collaborative of Rural Missouri to present the annual Carroll County Health and Resource Fair from 9 a.m. to noon Saturday, November 19, at the Carrollton High School Gymnasium. 

“Many of the over 50 exhibitors at the Health Fair will be new but we made sure to bring back some favorites as well,” said Christy Isaacs, Director of Marketing and Development, CCMH. “We have added an American Cross Blood Drive from 8 AM-Noon. We have also added a scavenger hunt for door prizes and a lot of fun activities for children.  We will be hosting the Helicopters from Life Flight Eagle and Staff for Life, a Firetruck from Carrollton Fire Department and an Ambulance from the Carroll County Ambulance District.”

The hospital is also offering reduced prices for various lab screenings including A1C, Lipid Panel, PSA, Thyroid Panel and Vitamin D. There will be a nominal cost involved on all screenings, but you can bundle all of the above screenings for just $40.

The Fair, as always is FREE to the Public and a wonderful opportunity to get out and find out everything there is to know about Healthcare in Carroll County and beyond. “Thank you to our many community sponsors who support the Carroll County Memorial Hospital in so many ways,” said Jeff Tindle, CEO, CCMH.

For more information about the services at Carroll County Memorial Hospital or an appointment, visit our website or call 660-542-1695.