Carroll County Health And Resource Fair A Success
November 21, 2016
CARROLLTON, Mo. -- Carroll County Memorial Hospital partnered with Health Care Collaborative of Rural Missouri and Live Well Community Health Center to present the annual Carroll County Health and Resource Fair Saturday, Nov. 19.
The event was free to the public and a wonderful opportunity to get out and find out everything there is to know about healthcare in Carroll County and beyond.
The fair, which was well attended by the community and surrounding areas, was not only a big success through attendance, but had over 50 booths that offered up services and free information.
CCMH hospital offered reduced-price lab screenings including A1C, Lipid Panel, PSA, Thyroid Panel and Vitamin D. It also offered free EKGs and ABIs. Eighteen departments had booths, including but not limited to, informing the public on outpatient, rehabilitation therapy, home health, radiology, surgical, cardio rehabilitation and general provider services.
The fair was supported by 43 community organizations and companies who either set up an informational booth, supplied the event with volunteers or donated door prizes to be given out to attendees.
Attendees had the opportunity to sign up for air ambulance membership applications, free installation of home smoke detectors, Medicare Part D, RX savings plans, Affordable Care Act, Food Stamps and much more.
“Thank you to our many community sponsors who support the Carroll County Memorial Hospital in so many ways,” Jeff Tindle, CCMH CEO, said.
One of the main focuses of the fair this year was to make sure it was a family atmosphere with something for everyone. Children activities that were lined up included a youth obstacle course, fruit walk, helicopter viewing, face painting, basketball toss, scavenger hunt, coloring activities, health snacks, temporary tattoos, finger nail painting, ambulance and fire truck viewing and the ever-so-popular CCMH Operation Game, where children got to be a Surgeon for the Day.
But, it didn’t stop there. To make the event even more special, CCMH hosted another American Red Cross blood drive that exceeded its goal. At the beginning of 2016, CCMH went in to a contractual agreement with American Red Cross, who supplies the hospital with its blood bank. With that obligation, CCMH had to host four blood drives a year.
“We are happy to announce that the drives were very successful,” Rachel Arth, CCMH blood drive coordinator, said. “With just the totals reported for the first three drives, we as a community were able to collect 140 donations! That’s an accomplishment we all should be proud of.”