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CCMH Completes Workplace Violence Training

November 29, 2017

Employees of CCMH completes the workplace violence training exercise November 27. (Kate Lyons/CCMH)

CARROLLTON, Mo. – On Monday, Nov. 27, Carroll County Memorial Hospital held a workplace violence training in various locations of the campus, including Jefferson Pavilion.

“The training was successful and a great opportunity for our staff to participate in real-life scenarios,” said Marty Rucker, CCMH Construction and Plant Operations Supervisor and certified Safe Training and Responsible Restraints (S.T.A.R.R.) instructor. “We currently have three CCMH employees who are certified S.T.A.R.R. instructors. Additionally, we are planning to conduct more trainings for a larger percentage of our staff to become qualified in workplace violence reduction.”

According to Mitigation Dynamics, Inc., the primary principle of S.T.A.R.R. is to empower professionals first, through the utilization of relevant forms of verbal de-escalation and second, through the utilization of only the minimal amount of physical intervention to control the situation.

“Through our on-going collaborative with the Missouri Hospital Association, the Workplace Violence Reduction Immersion Project has presented priceless opportunities to work with quality organizations like Carroll County Memorial Hospital,” said Mark Hockemeier, Mitigation Dynamics Director of Special Projects and Marketing. “It was a pleasure to work together with many of the professionals at CCMH, who certainly embraced the opportunity to further enhance the safety of their patients, visitors, physicians and staff. To quote one of our trainers, ‘the culture here just feels good!’”

“CCMH S.T.A.R.R. certified end users and instructors have successfully completed mock drill training,” said Cindy Gilman, CCMH Director of Quality and Workplace Violence Team Leader. “We have received the ‘Go-live’ approval from Mitigation Dynamics, Inc. Thank you to all the employees who participated. Your dedication to patient and coworker safety is inconceivable.”

For more information about the services at Carroll County Memorial Hospital, visit our website or call 660-542-1695.