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Carroll County Memorial Hospital Announces Staffing Addition

May 25, 2017

CARROLLTON, Mo. -- Carroll County Memorial Hospital is proud to announce that Blake Riley Pharm D., has agreed to join CCMH as a Clinical Pharmacis

Blake has spent over the past nine years as a co-owner and Managing Pharmacist of Hometown Pharmacy here in Carrollton. Among Blake’s many community activities, he has also served on the CCMH Board the past three years, this year serving as President. Blake will be stepping down as a board member following the June meeting.

“It is a great gain for CCMH but a significant loss for our Board of Directors,” said Jeff Tindle, CCMH CEO.

CCMH appreciates its business relationship with Hometown Pharmacy and looks forward to continuing that relationship with the new Managing Pharmacist.

“CCMH has experienced remarkable growth the past five years,” Tindle said. “Our operating budget has more than doubled and we have added approximately 100 new staff member during that time. Our Pharmacy, directed by Eric Whit, R. Ph., has also had remarkable growth but has maintained the same staffing level. The addition of a second Pharmacist is long overdue addition will greatly enhance the capabilities of our Pharmacy operation, providing expertise from the retail world in 340B and other experience that Blake has acquired over the years.”

Please join us in welcoming Blake to the CCMH Family. We anticipate Blake to begin his time with us in mid-July.

For more information about the services at Carroll County Memorial Hospital or an appointment, visit our website or call 660-542-1695.