CCMH Wraps Up Community Activities
May 25, 2018
Carroll County Memorial Hospital holds several events in celebrating Hospital Week each May. Hospital Week was recognized May 6-12, this year. CCMH chose a theme of “Players in Healthcare,” based off popular board games, for the series of events.
The first event that took place was the Monopoly 5K Run/Walk on Saturday, May 5, sponsored by the CCMH Foundation and spearheaded by the CCMH Wellness Committee. There were over 70 participants who came out and supported the cause, bringing in $846.49 to be utilized by the foundation.
“The CCMH Foundation Monopoly 5k helps support the hospital foundation, whose mission is to assist in the development and retention of healthcare professionals through educational support and financial contributions to CCMH, assuring the availability of quality healthcare services for those we serve,” Jeff Tindle, CCMH Chief Executive Officer, said.
A blood drive was held where 31 units of blood were donated at the drive.
“We are very thankful for the community members and CCMH staff that took time out of their evening to donate at the blood drive,” Kate Lyons, CCMH Community Outreach Coordinator and blood drive coordinator. “The dedication of our donors will potentially save up to 93 lives.”
A Health Fair & Family Fun Night was held on Thursday, May 10. Approximately 26 community vendors, 20 hospital departments and 80 attendees participated. The format of this year’s event was different from previous years. The Health Fair Committee is working to evaluate if this layout is or is not an effective change to keep. The future of this event is also determined by the results of the county’s community health needs assessment.
Approximately 800 guests attended the annual community barbecue, sponsored by Cerner, and 30 local FFA students volunteered their time and served the meal.
“Cerner was our host for the Friday Community Barbeque again this year,” said Tindle. “Ol’ Boys Barbeque, Mulches and 4 Corners Café catered the event, providing a local flavor.”
Another fundraiser held during Hospital Week is a Pie in the Face Contest. Employees cast votes on which provider or member of administration they want to be pie’d-in-the-face at the community barbeque. Dr. Rick Smith was chosen to be pie’d, and $1,211.82 was raised, which will go to the CCMH Employee Assistance Fund. This fund is used for employees who are needing assistance during times of financial hardship.
“This year, we designated the Employee Assistance Fund as the recipient of the Pie in the Face proceeds,” said Rachel Davidson, CCMH Director of Marketing & Public Relations. “The Employee Assistance Fund was created in 2016 with donations from employees. We are very honored to have employees who are willing to make monetary donations to help out their fellow colleagues. We are truly a family of caring individuals here.”
For more information about the services at Carroll County Memorial Hospital, visit our website or call 660-542-1695.