Visitor Policy
Visitors with symptoms of illness are encouraged to stay home. If you must come inside the hospital, wearing a mask is strongly encouraged. Masking is preferred if you have symptoms of respiratory illness, have been exposed to COVID or have a confirmed diagnosis.
For in-person visitation for COVID patients and patients with other infectious illnesses, visitors will be instructed on the proper use of personal protective equipment.
Emergency Department Visitor Policy:
- Visitors must be 14 years of age or older.
- Visitor must be free of measurable signs and symptoms of transmissible infection.
- Exceptions for end of life and extraordinary circumstances are under the discretion of the Emergency Department Staff.
- Minors (17 years and under) should have a parent, legal guardian or qualified person with them at all times.
Inpatient Care:
- Visitors must be 14 years of age or older.
- Visiting Hours are 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
- Visitor must be free of measurable signs and symptoms of transmissible infection.
- Two visitors are allowed to visit simultaneously, if no clinical restrictions are necessary.
- Exceptions for end-of-life visitation is under the discretion of the charge nurse or attending physician. Twenty-four-hour visitation is permissible, when reasonably appropriate.
Outpatient Services and Jefferson Medical Group Visitor Policy: (includes Laboratory, Radiology, Rehabilitation Services, Outpatient Specialty Clinic, etc.)
- Up to two guests may accompany a patient to Outpatient Specialty Clinic and Jefferson Medical Group appointments.
- Up to two guests for outpatient surgery patients.
- Visitor must be free of measurable signs and symptoms of transmissible infection.